Leadership Excellence Part 2

Scroll down to register participants

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registration for secondary schools. However, your students can still watch the leadership training at their expense by connecting to our Facebook page: @ACLNGlobal on June 8 and 9. Thank you!

If you have already registered and wish to add students to participate, click the button below

Register for Leadership Excellence Part 2

Section 1 (School/Chapter Information)

Don't have a Chapter ID? Register Here

Please confirm that your information below are correct before you continue. If any information has changed since you last register your chapter with us, please click here to login to your chapter and update the record.

School Name

Could this be your school?

Principal Name

Principal Email

Principal's WhatsApp Number

Volunteer Teacher's Name

Volunteer's Email

Volunteer Teacher's WhatsApp Number

Volunteer Teacher's Name (2)

Volunteer's Email (2)

Volunteer Teacher's WhatsApp Number (2)

Section 2 (Equipment Check)

Please let us know if you have the following devices. We do not provide computers or projector but ACLN will assist with Internet Data to join our virtual hub as well as stipends for participants snacks, volunteer teachers stipend etc.

Do you have an internet ready computer?

Do you have access to Projector? (If you do not have a projector, you can still participate as long as your students can watch the program from the computer)

Do you have speakers you can plug to the computer; this is important for the students to hear the program?

Do you have zoom installed on your computer? If you do not, please ensure this is downloaded and installed before the event. Download Zoom Here

You need to test your device with us at least one week before the event. Please select a day and time below that you can connect with our Technical team to test your device. Selected date must be between 31/05/2021 - 01/07/2021, between the hours of 12pm - 3pm WAT.

Bank Details to receive funds: This must be an account number approved by the Principal / Head of the school

Thanks for your interest in Leadership Excellence Part 2. Kindly scroll down to register your participant below.

Note: Please check the information below if they are correct. If it is not correct, kindly click the restart button at the bottom of the page to restart the event registration.

Scroll down to register participants

    Principal Details

  • Volunteer Teacher One

  • Bank Details

    Volunteer Teacher Two

  • Requirements

  • Internet Enabled Computer:
  • Speaker:
  • Projector:
  • Testing Date:
  • Testing Time: HRS (West African Time - WAT)

Click here on , HRS (West African Time - WAT) to connect to the testing hub in the United States and test your equipment. Your school only have 5min to test with our Technical team. We will not be able to approve your school if you come late for the testing. Thanks!

Having difficulty connecting? Go to www.zoom.com and enter the meeting ID: 88021704664

Register Participants Below

IMPORTANT: You must register every student that will be participating in this event. All students registered for this event should also be encouraged to register on our website as an Ambassador. This is important for them to benefit in all our programs. To register as an Ambassador please click here. (https://acln.org/join-acln-ambassador-club/)

Please fill out the form below to register each students for the event. We encourage schools to register up to 40 participants. You may register more if you have a projector and good speakers for students to participate productively.

Email (Pls. use the student or parent's email here. It should be unique for each student.)

Could this be your school?

Full Name

Could this be your school?



Added Participants

Click the Restart Button below only if you want to delete all the information you have entered so far and start again. If you wish to come back to this page at a later time to add more participants use the go back to the website and click register, then select the CONTINUE button located at the beginning of the form.
Restart Registration