Event Date: 2021-06-08
If you have registered for the event and wish to check your status or see other students from your school attending this event click here.
Please confirm that your information below are correct before you continue.
School Name
Full Name
What is your course of study?
What was your CGPA in the last semester or session of study?
For some selected students, we will provide a token for your Internet Data connection during the event. If you are selected, what phone number will you use to connect for the training event. This is where the Data will be loaded.
Please specify your Facebook name as used on the ACLN Ambassador Senior Facebook Group. If you are yet to be a member you should still provide your Facebook name and ensure you join the ACLN Ambassador Snr Facebook Group by following the instructions in the email that will be sent to you after submitting this form.
Principal Email
Principal's WhatsApp Number
Volunteer Teacher's Name
Volunteer's Email
Volunteer Teacher's WhatsApp Number
Volunteer Teacher's Name (2)
Volunteer's Email (2)
Volunteer Teacher's WhatsApp Number (2)
Please let us know if you have the following devices.
Do you have an internet ready computer/Phone?
Do you have access to Projector? (If you do not have a projector, you can still participate as long as your students can watch the program from the computer)
Do you have speakers you can plug to the computer; this is important for the students to hear the program?
Do you have zoom installed on your Computer/Phone? If you do not, please ensure this is downloaded and installed before the event. Download Zoom Here
You need to test your device with us at least one week before the event. Please select a day and time below that you can connect with our Technical team to test your device. Selected date must be between 31/05/2021 - 01/07/2021, between the hours of 12pm - 3pm WAT.
Bank Details to receive funds: This must be an account number approved by the Principal / Head of the school
Enter your email below to view registration history
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